
Showing posts with the label black marker

Pages from my sketch book


The monsoon creature

I LOVE umbrella and I LOVE drawing on it even MORE! My friend was kind enough to let me borrow his umbrella for few days. I kinda wish it was MY umbrella! ;)

Sunny Afternoon

30cm x 40cm canvas, for a beatutiful couple on their 25th anniversary.

you are being missed...dearly!!

In fond memory of my beloved orange umbrella! Some girls like bags, some like shoes or clothes but I like umbrellas. Love u my sweet sweet umbrella. Hope the person who found you is treating you well. Be it a crazy down pour or a cruel sunny day, you were always there. Your vibrancy also got me noticed many times ;). You were a good companion. You are irreplaceable. 2 y ears back I was gifted this really awesome, tall, bright orange umbrella and I made it more awesome by painting on it! Few months back I lost this umbrella in a Mumbai local train. If you ever see it somewhere, you know whom it belongs to. Waiting for a miracle to happen :)

Are U scared?

One A3 size paper,  a marker,  ball point pen,  photo ink  &  childhood dream to have a scary signage/poster on my room entrance... (my parents did not entertain things stuck to doors and walls in the house) ...Its a shape shifting creature looking through the belly of another creature which works like a telescope.  pretty imaginative huh! :)

Just like I promised!!!

My AWESOME work is so AWESOME that my very close and dear friend has been asking me to make some thing AWESOME for her.... :) here it is!  a collage of cut out craft paper + black marker(my fav) + acrylic on canvas board.

Just the way I like it

Its black, its white, Whoo oo